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Dr. Stan G. Langford III - Chula Vista, CA - San Diego, CA - ChiropracDr. Stanmore G. Langford III has been treating patients locally for over 30 years and is an esteemed member of the South San Diego community (Chula Vista, Bonita, San Diego.) In addition to his Doctorate degree in Chirop
Contact Us - Langford Chiropractic - Langford Chiropractic, APCFor over 30 years, Dr. Stanmore G. Langford III has treated chiropractic patients in the South San Diego area. He speaks both English and Spanish, and his professional licenses include:
Services - Langford ChiropracticFor over 30 years, Dr. Stanmore G. Langford III has treated chiropractic patients in the South San Diego area. He speaks both English and Spanish, and his professional licenses include:
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