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ABOUT Shaantam Resorts SpaShaantam is a luxury spa resort in the Himalayas overlooking the holy town of Rishikesh. It boasts of unsurpassed natural beauty. Lying in the foothills of India’s highest mountain range, it is dipped in lush greenery an
ROOMS Shaantam Resorts SpaAt Shaantam Resort, our rooms offer a perfect blend of comfort and luxury. Each room is thoughtfully designed with modern decor and equipped with a king-sized bed, private balcony, and en-suite bathroom.
Spa Shaantam Resorts SpaReconnect and uncover the real meaning of pampering, indulgence and rejuvenation with our relaxing Spa treatments. Inspired by the ancient ethics of Ayurveda and the modern day beauty needs, the Shaantam Spa in Rishikesh
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