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Directors message MaitriThese words define our vision which forms the foundation on which Maitri Hospital stands. With the biggest inspiration to give back to the city that has given us so much, Maitri Hospital was founded in June 2008. What st
About us MaitriThe Department of Neurosciences at Maitri Hospital is one of the best-known in the region. Set up under the guidance of eminent Neuro Surgeon, Neurologist, Plastic Surgeon, and Orthopaedic Surgeons, the department caters
NEURO SURGERY MaitriThe Neurosurgery department at Maitri Hospital attends all types of trauma cases 24 by 7. The experienced Trauma team includes 3 Neuro Surgeons, 3 Orthopaedic Surgeons, 1 Plastic Surgeon, 1 Urologist, 2 Radiologists and
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