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Standard Sensor ProTAACS Product CatalogTamini Square Jl. Taman Mini Blok SS33 No. 2 Jakarta Timur 13560, Indonesia +62-21-3971-2506
RF Serial ModBus Gateway ProTAACS Product CatalogThe ProTAACS Serial MODBUS RF Gateway acts as a data concentrator for ProTAACS wireless RF sensor networks. This device incorporates ProTAACS s Access Point Node (APN) and Serial RS-232C and RS-485 Interfacing hardware.
2G Gateway ProTAACS Product CatalogThe ProTAACS Mobile 2G Cellular Gateway is based on a 2G (GSM) wireless engine and comes integrated with ProTAACS s wireless RF access point network (WAN) for use with all ProTAACS wireless RF sensors. (User is responsib
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