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About Us - Dr. Revive IV Therapy & Pain ClinicIV Therapy, Pain management, PRP, PRP Hair Treatment, Botox, TRT, Joint Pain, Spider vain Injection, IV Drip, NAD+ IV Therapy, Mayers Cocktail, Vitamin infusion, Vitamin B12 shot, High does Vitamin C, #1 IV Therapy Wo
COVID-19 DEFENSE IV THERAPY - Dr. Revive IV Therapy & Pain ClinicStrengthen your immune function, combat cold, Flu With Megadose Vitamin C, Vitamin B-Complex, Zinc, and Lysine. Vitamin C supports your immune system. Vitamin C helps to kill the virus and reduces the symptoms of infect
IMMUNITY IV THERAPY - Dr. Revive IV Therapy & Pain ClinicStrengthen your immune function. Intravenously administered vitamin therapy contains vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants. Includes: Vitamin C, B-Complex, Glutathione and nutrients. Benefits: Prevent illnes
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