Why are the British confused about us calling bread rolls “biscuits” w

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Why are the British confused about us calling bread rolls “biscuits” w

(Why I darest say, they darest not get offended when they so indeed have examples that violate their own use and nomenclature!) IE: pudding as a specific dessert, puddings as a general term for desserts. Calling somethin

Visit Why are the British confused about us calling bread rolls “biscuits” w (https://2code.info/demo/themes/Discy/Main/question/why-are-the-british-confused-about-us-calling-bread-rolls-biscuits-when-they-call-bread-rolls-puddings/)

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Top Keywords: calling, rolls, bread, pudding, confused, british, puddings, why, bread rolls, discy, a, question, confused about, the british, why are, dessert, when they, as a general, examples that, general term, get offended, term for, own use, a general, say they, why i, not get, nomenclature, offended, desserts, ie, violate, indeed, they, dislike, examples, Theres a total of 383 keywords.

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