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Ompile-About Velvet India s Leading Manufacturers Exporters of VelTypes Of Velvet Fabric Velvet can be made from a variety of fibers, including silk, rayon, acetate and cotton. Each type of fiber produces a slightly different type of velvet fabric. Silk velvet is the most elegant and e
Theatre Seating Velvet India s Leading Manufacturers Exporters ofVelvet OR Velour, is the obvious choice for Theatre / Auditorium seats. Plush velvet from OMPILE, a decorative weave results in small geometric designs which gives ultimate look to high end seating for Opera house, Conce
FR Velvet for Theatre Curtains India s Leading Manufacturers ExporOMPILE, Specialize in making fire resistant velvet for stage / Theatre curtains. Because of its rich pile, heavy velvet is an excellent alternative to absorb light and sound. Cotton velvet is one of the most popular fabr
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