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Antimicrobial Powder Coating Sri Lakshmi Coats Pvt LtdAntimicrobial coatings done for both interior exterior Applications. Coating has an special feature which discourages the spread settlement and growth of the harmful bacteria, fungi etc.
Antimicrobial Powder Coating - Sri Lakshmi Industrial Coatings PrivateSRI LAKSHMI COAT Antibacterial powder coatings are predominantly used where coating is always in constant touch with large number of people in the areas like hospitals, exihibitions, food courts,sanitation areas etc.
Antimicrobial Testing Microbial Testing Services Biosan LaboratoriBiosan Laboratories offers independent antimicrobial efficacy testing of textiles, plastics, industrial fluids, paints, inks, and construction materials. Our antimicrobial testing laboratory can assist you with choosing
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