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D. Y. PATIL INSTITUTE OF MASTER OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS AND MANAGEMENOur Educational Complex with lush green spaces, zen corners and positive energy, provides conducive and meditative environment of learning. The care and protection given by administrative staff in the campus to the stude
D. Y. PATIL INSTITUTE OF MASTER OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS AND MANAGEMENWe shall soon update this page with relevant content, in the meantime, you can connect with us:
D. Y. PATIL INSTITUTE OF MASTER OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS AND MANAGEMENDr. Sanjay D. Patil has been awarded with the most prestigious award in London for Sayaji Hotel at Kolhapur Dr. D.Y.Patil Group as International Five Star Hotel by Best Large Hotel India Awards 2016.
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