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Slingo Starburst - Gaming Realms - Client AreaSpin the slot reel to mark numbers off the 5 5 grid, aiming to eliminate five numbers in a line to nab a Slingo. Every time you get a Slingo, you’ll move up the bonus ladder on the left, bringing you closer to a dazzling
Gaming Realms expands Dutch presence with - Gaming RGaming Realms, a leading provider of mobile-focused gaming content has increased its foothold in the Netherlands following a partnership with the emerging operator, whom operates under a brand license a
Investors - Gaming RealmsMichael Buckley was Chairman of Cashcade, founded in 2000. Cashcade became a leading UK-based online gaming company prior to its sale to PartyGaming plc in 2009 for an aggregate sale consideration of £96m for shareholder
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