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The Pipipickers | We play banjo-licious bluegrass music.The best newgrass band in New Zealand They always have an interesting and high quality show doing songs no one else in the bluegrass world does. Never get bored at a Pipi Pickers show. Mike Kear, Music from Foggy
Jenine s Guide to being a passable bluegrass bass player | The PipipEx: Jenine s notation: G3 C1 D1 G1 This reads Play three G chords, then one C chord, one D chord, and one G chord. 12 beats total: G, D, G, D, G, D, C, G, D, A, G, D. Might be written for guitar as: / G G / G C / D G /
As Is, Where Is | The PipipickersDigital downloads are available through Bandcamp.
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