Why the religious right forgives Trump’s sins - New Statesman

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Why the religious right forgives Trump’s sins - New Statesman

America’s evangelical Christians grow up with the language of domination and submission. Of course they want their president back.

Visit Why the religious right forgives Trump’s sins - New Statesman (https://www.newstatesman.com/comment/2024/01/religious-right-evangelical-christians-donald-trump)

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Top Keywords: statesman, evangelical, trump, religious, new statesman, christians, donald, president, new, right, with the language, the religious right, the language of, up with the, and submission, of domination, the religious, grow up, the language, language of, religious right, domination, sins, donald trump, evangelicals, submission, men, they want their, want their, why the, they want, forgives, trump is, podcasts, of course, white evangelicals, Theres a total of 1342 keywords.

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