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Home - Tales of My Large, Loud, Spiritual Family - Katherine AgranovicWhat if there is more to this world, to life, than our day-to-day tasks, challenges and issues? What if there is more to us? What if there is another realm beyond the veil of our human consciousness that is standing by,
Chapter 10 Excerpts - Tales of My Large, Loud, Spiritual Family - KathI storm into my hypnotherapy teacher’s clinic and slump into a chair by the door, panting like a race dog. My mind is on overload, running the ‘to do list’ for my upcoming business venture. I don’t even want to be here,
Chapter 20 Excerpts - Tales of My Large, Loud, Spiritual Family - Kath“Guess what!” Jessica’s voice is bursting with excitement, “A senior just invited me to a dance!”
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