Why Are So Many People Not Working?

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Why Are So Many People Not Working?

If nothing changes, this generation of men will earn less, pay less in taxes, consume more in government services, marry less frequently and lead increasingly unhealthy lives that lead to earlier deaths.

Visit Why Are So Many People Not Working? (https://www.franchisemaven.com/why-are-so-many-people-not-working/)

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Top Keywords: franchise, are so many, why are, not working, are so, working, so many people, people not, so many, many, many people, people, why, maven, so, less, lead, men, franchise maven, this generation of, if nothing, that lead, earn less, nothing changes, less in, lives that, men will, and lead, this generation, in taxes, government services, will earn, changes this, pay less, in government, generation of, Theres a total of 680 keywords.

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