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Nethra Vidyalaya | Education For BlindNethra Vidyalaya provides education from primary level to high school, junior senior college, in India and is a part of the Jeeyar Educational Trust (JET) founded by HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji. Where hundreds of blind st
Get Involved | Support Blind Students | Education For BlindSupport Blind Students Sponsor a School Student: $50 + /month Sponsor Junior College Student: $60 + /month Sponsor Degree Student: $60 + /month Donate Now Supplies for School Classroom: $100+ Furnish a College Cl
Our Founder | Education For BlindNethra Vidyalaya founder, Sri HH Tridandi Chinna Srimannarayana Ramanuja Jeeyar Swamiji is a visionary, ever cheerful, an inspiration for millions of people, an erudite scholar and philosopher, unmindful of his bodily co
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