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Home - TDF - Tehreek Dawat e FaqrSultan ul Ashiqeen founded Tehreek Dawat e Faqr on October 23, 2009. Tehreek Dawat-e-Faqr is the only representative of the teachings of Faqr.
Tehreek Dawat e Faqr The Sufi Movement of Faqr e MohammadiTehreek Dawat e Faqr is the Sufi movement of Faqr e Mohammadi and sultan bahoo teachings. Its purpose is to bring people close to Allah.
Shajra e Faqr - Tehreek Dawat e FaqrThe present Imam of the Sarwari Qadri lineage (Shajra-e-Faqr) is Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman. He is the founder of Tehreek Dawat-e-Faqr and has devoted his life benefiting humanity with the true he
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