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Dave Tabler, USA, management of illustration site | PartfaliazOctober 1rst, 2008 Partfaliaz interview Dave Tabler Dave Tabler is the man running Theispot, one of the three major illustration Internet sites. Theispot is a high-profile portfolio tool attracting lots of art buyers eve
Zso, USA, Art director and illustrator | PartfaliazFreestyle illustration by Zso Sara Blake AKA Zso is an Interactive Art Director, Designer and Illustrator living in New York City. Zso developped a great style mixing traditional and digital medias with much hand-drawing
About | PartfaliazPartfaliaz is about portfolios. Partfaliaz is a graphic inspiration blog founded in 2007 by French Art Director Antoine Lecomte. Partfaliaz is showcasing carefully selected portfolios from graphic designers and artists i
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