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No TitleFibre Foils Limited, the first company of Shetron Group, was founded in 1969 as a small scale industry, with a factory in MIDC, Andheri, Mumbai. Its first product, a composite can, was developed for a leading detergent p
Machine for Making Paper Tubes, Cores, Angle Boards, Cans, Conespaper cone production line, paper tube core production line, paper straw making machine, paper can production line, fibre drum production line, square drum production line, edge protector production line, pulp moulding p
No TitleFibre Foils Limited, the first company of Shetron Group, was founded in 1969 as a small scale industry, with a factory in MIDC, Andheri, Mumbai. Its first product, a composite can, was developed for a leading detergent p
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