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Price List | Wallich Residence 华利世家 | Showsuite 61008717 | SingaporeEnjoy Special VVIP Prices Direct from Developer here! No Commission Payable. Wallich Residence 3 Bedder Starting From $4.118M. 4 Bedder Starting from $6.068M.
Showsuite Virtual Tour | Wallich Residence 华利世家 | 61008717 | ShowsuiteLocated from the 39th to 64th floors, 180m to 290m above sea level, Wallich Residence is home to a limited collection of 181 luxury residences, comprising one- to four-bedroom units, four penthouses and one exclusive sup
Project Details | Wallich Residence 华利世家 | 61008717 | Showsuite SingapWallich Residence is a tower that stands apart. Not just by its sheer height, but also by the quality of the life one experiences here.
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