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#1 Bonded Rubber by Integrity Safety Surfacing Pros of AmericaBy utilizing bonded rubber around city areas, you can remove the risk of washouts, rotting, and other hazards while beautifying the area. Such a rubber system is present in neutral tones, which gives these projects a nat
#1 Bonded Rubber Mulch by Integrity Safety Surfacing Pros of AmericaHowever, bonded rubber mulch deals with this problem since it still provides the wood mulch a loose appearance but without actually being separated. Every piece of rubber is held together to create the design and obtain
#1 EPDM Rubber by Integrity Safety Surfacing Pros of AmericaIn this case, EPDM rubber is more suitable for playgrounds if you want to achieve aesthetics but also has a high-quality surface that will absorb most of the impact during falls or any other situations.
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