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Special Services Products - Avant Gynecology: Atlanta s GYN and SurgProlonged stress can have a negative impact on your adrenal function and lead to a hormonal imbalance. An imbalance in adrenal stress hormones, such as cortisol and DHEA, can lead to problems with energy levels, emotions
Welcome - Avant Gynecology: Atlanta s GYN and Surgical SpecialistsOur very own Dr. Lynley Durrett Dr. Obiamaka Mora have been named Top Doctors in Modern Luxury Medicine + Doctors and the Atlantan Magazine.
Hospital Procedures - Avant Gynecology: Atlanta s GYN and Surgical SpeA laparoscopic procedure utilizes a thin, lighted camera to look inside the abdomen and pelvis through tiny abdominal incisions. This technique is used in the diagnosis and treatment of certain gynecologic conditions, su
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