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My Simple LifeI'm a Bugis lady, born and grew up in Makassar (formerly Ujungpandang), Indonesia... now living in the US with my beloved husband (David), a sweetie daughter Iman, and the light of my eyes -- baby daughter, Zahra Shirley
My Simple Life: Bila Anda Menyusui Bayi Anda...I'm a Bugis lady, born and grew up in Makassar (formerly Ujungpandang), Indonesia... now living in the US with my beloved husband (David), a sweetie daughter Iman, and the light of my eyes -- baby daughter, Zahra Shirley
My Simple Life: Zah dan TekBunda: Eh, mo ko apa?Zahra: Tek, please? (sudah lupa kalimat yang seharusnya... saking desperate-nya).Bunda: Ih, sa kira berhenti ma ko tek, Nak? Kan Zah sudah 2 tahun?Zahra: Bi-llaah-maa-hiim! (seperti tidak mendengar a
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