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Career Growth in B Tech Lateral Entry after Diploma | by KCC-ITM | MedThese consist of internships, team-based collaborations, senior design projects, and research projects. Students’ comprehension of engineering principles is improved by this hands-on approach, which also greatly increase
Is it possible to attend a 3-year B Tech Lateral Entry program? | by KIt is not possible to finish a B Tech degree in three years if the applicant does not already possess a three-year engineering diploma in the same field. There are no shortcuts for the four years of study that are necess
Is it possible to attend a 3-year B Tech Lateral Entry program? KCCIIt is not possible to finish a B Tech degree in three years if the applicant does not already possess a three-year engineering diploma in the same field. There are no shortcuts for the four years of study that are necess
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