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About Us - CITY C.U. SHAH COMMERCE COLLEGECity Commerce College affiliated to Gujarat University, was founded in 1966. The college was given its name, City C.U. Shah Commerce College on the name of the donar Shri Chimanlal Ujamshibhai Shah in 1970. Since 2010, t
Faculty Members - CITY C.U. SHAH COMMERCE COLLEGEThe lecturers of City C. U. Shah Commerce College are highly qualified, experienced and learned persons. Most of them are authors of text books and other subjects. The Principal, S. K. Trivedi, a vast experience to his c
About Gujarat Law Society - CITY C.U. SHAH COMMERCE COLLEGEEstablished in 1927, Gujarat Law Society has come a long way with 38 educational institutions under its umbrella today. Founded by Shri Ganesh Mavlankar and Sheth Shri Kasturbhai Lalbhai, it has earned for itself a place
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