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Press Justina RepečkaitėPierre Rigaudière from Diapason in La musique balte sous les projecteurs européens à Tartu writes about Tarmo Johannes performing my composition Incantare:
Justina Repečkaitė - ComposerJustina Repeckaite is a Lithuanian composer based in Paris. Her music is described by critics as having “many similarities to a diamond“ (Ben Lunn, UK), “inviting, constantly changing, gritty and lustrous” (Max Erwin
Music Justina RepečkaitėJustina Repečkaitė’s music is described by critics as having “many similarities to a diamond“ (Ben Lunn, UK), “inviting, constantly changing, gritty and lustrous” (Max Erwin, USA), and „drawn with the sharpest pencil
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