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CAS Solutions - Bjørn Thorsen A/S - Distributor in the NordicsWe provide raw materials for Coatings, Adhesives Sealants (CAS) to various industries in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Baltics.
Mapei Australia - Adhesives, Sealants, Chemical Products for BuildiMapei is the leading company in the building industry, with over 85 years of experience, in the field of adhesives, sealants chemical products for building. Click here to visit Mapei.
Qingdao DiMei Manufacturer Co.,Ltd.Qingdao DiMei Manufacrturer Co.,Ltd. is a professional corporation which research amp; develop, manufacture adhesives, sealants and other chemicals. DiMei company's main products are Polyurethane sealant, Hybrid MS Poly
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