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Starting Early - CollegeCounts 529Plan ahead and start saving today Children and grandchildren grow up quickly. Give them a start on the college savings they’ll need for higher education by opening an account with the CollegeCounts 529 Fund. As the days
Contact - CollegeCounts 529Plan Contact InformationCollegeCounts 529 FundUnion Bank Trust – Program ManagerToll-Free: 866.529.2228(7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. CT) Mailing Address:CollegeCounts 529 FundPO Box 85290Lincoln, NE 68501-5290 Overnight Mail:
Alabama 529 College Savings Plan - CollegeCounts 529The CollegeCounts 529 Fund is a 529-qualified tuition program providing flexible investment options designed to help build college savings.
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