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Treatments at Dr. Nagori s Institute - Pioneers of Providing SolutionsDr. Nagori s Institute provides treatments including Total Male Female Infertility Workup, IUI, Videoendoscopic Surgery, IVF ICSI and is a one stop solution for all your infertility problems.
Achievements Affiliations of Dr. Nagori s Insitute - The Center of EDr. Nagori s Institute has achieved more than 10500 pregnancies with IUI and IVF, all the training programs of the insititute are recognized by Gujarat University and it is the only Centre of Excellence for Ian Donald In
Dr. Chaitanya Nagori Dr. Sonal Panchal - The Doctors at Dr. Nagori sDr. Chaitanya Nagori is the Director of the institute. He is an MD in DGO and has been doing exclusively infertility practice since last 20 years. Dr. Sonal Panchal is a Consultant Sonography specialist at the institute.
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