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FAQs| Southwest Vein Leg Center in Ft. Worth, TXYes, many patients with no visible veins still suffer from the symptoms of venous reflux disease. Typically, varicose veins occur as the disease progresses and you may lack visible veins early in the disease process.
Reviews| Southwest Vein Leg Center in Ft. Worth, TX“ This place goes above and beyond to make sure you are happy. They are always so nice when I call to schedule an appointment – all the way to the person who performs the laser treatments. They are professional and court
Robert D. Menzies, M.D. | Southwest Vein Leg Center in Ft. Worth, TXDr. Menzies has been recognized by his peers and nominated as “Top Doc” in Dallas-Fort Worth and who has been named one of Dallas-Fort Worth’s rising stars.
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