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A Sweet Location for Sports Events | Hershey Harrisburg Sports EventSports events in The Hershey Harrisburg Region are not only close to major attractions like Hersheypark and Hershey s Chocolate World, but also within 3 hours of major cities and easily accessible for participants and sp
Transportation | Hershey Harrisburg Sports Events AuthoritySports events in the Hershey Harrisburg region are easily accessible by car, plane, bus, and train. Many venues are just a few miles away from an Interstate, and Harrisburg International Airport is just 20 minutes from m
Sports Services | Hershey Harrisburg Sports Events AuthorityOur staff is here to help sports event owners and organizers find the best venues, accommodations, and activities for your teams, fans, and attendees when they come to the Hershey Harrisburg Region.
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