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About Captain Ziels - Captain Todd ZeilsCaptain Ziels welcomes anglers of all ages and levels of experience from first time trips to fly tournament anglers. As a father of young children and a person who learned to fish when he himself was young, Captain Ziels
Testimonials - Captain Todd ZeilsTodd Ziels has guided me in the Florida Keys for ten years. He knows where the fish are. He brings extensive skill and experience to position the boat and the angler for the best shot. [...] Todd makes a day on the wate
Fly Fishing - Captain Todd ZeilsIn the world of fly fishing, the Florida Keys is at the pinnacle of the sport. On any given day, one can throw at Tarpon, Permit, Bonefish, Redfish, Snook, Shark and Barracuda on the many flats of the Florida Keys. All r
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