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AUTO Ignition Coil, Spark Plugs, Ignition Cable ManufacturerOur ignition coil models are complete, including Japanese, Korean, European, American, Chinese car ignition coils. Founded in 2008, now our company was the largest sales manufacturer of ignition coil brand in china after
European Car Ignition Coils include BENZ, BMW, FIAT Ignition CoilWe develop original low heating technical, for enhance reliability, reduce temperature rise, and increase the Car Ignition Coils service life. Warmly welcome new and old customers to visit and patronize!
Japanese Car Ignition Coils include Honda, Mazda Ignition CoilEach Japanese Car Ignition Coil has passed 100% 38-40KV open circuit test, which is higher than the other factory of 35KV open circuit test standard.
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