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Nancy Hollen - Salida, Howard, Coaldale and Cotopaxi Colorado Real EstCotopaxi is a community of a mixture of types of houses and vacant land. In the area close to the river are numerous older houses on small parcels, and then as you go outside of this little community you will find proper
Nancy Hollen - Salida, Howard, Coaldale and Cotopaxi Colorado Real EstThere are several beautiful parks in town in addition to a nice library and the converted Steam Plant building for plays, concerts and other types of entertainment.
Nancy Hollen - Salida, Howard, Coaldale and Cotopaxi Colorado Real EstThe other “big plus” for this area of mountains, canyons and valleys is that approximately 83% of the land is public land, so overcrowding will never be a problem. And there are several access points to enjoy the BLM or
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