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Foreign Assistance GEDA GuamGuam participates in several U.S. federal government initiated economic incentives, such as the Guam Foreign Investment Equity Act, the Immigrant Investor Visa Program, and the “Guam Only” Visa Waiver Program.
Office of Public Accountability (OPA) - Guam | Guam Public AuditorGuam Office of Public Accountability, known as Guam OPA, has the mission is to ensure the public trust and assure good governance, through conducting audits and administering procurement appeals, independently, impartial
Office of Public Accountability (OPA) - Guam | Guam Public AuditorGuam Office of Public Accountability, known as Guam OPA, has the mission is to ensure the public trust and assure good governance, through conducting audits and administering procurement appeals, independently, impartial
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