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HOME - Kari Calder Saskatoon Real Estate AgentMy name is Kari Calder and I am an award winning real estate agent who has helped clients buy and sell over 1000 homes in Saskatoon and the surrounding areas. I believe loyalty, communication and mutual respect are key t
HOME - Kari Calder Saskatoon Real Estate AgentMy name is Kari Calder and I am an award winning real estate agent who has helped clients buy and sell over 1000 homes in Saskatoon and the surrounding areas. I believe loyalty, communication and mutual respect are key t
Saskatoon - Kari Calder Saskatoon Real Estate AgentThe City of Saskatoon is truly a one of a kind city that I am proud to call home. I have had the opportunity to live and travel in different countries around the world and can say in my perspective that Saskatoon is my f
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